Stedin Nederlandse Netbeheerder

We're in a major transition, unsure of its destination, time is thicking.

Services: Visual Strategy, Logo Design, Online Materials, Event Production.

I developed the visual campaign for an impactful event focused on the energy transition. From conceptualizing the visual style to crafting eye-catching merch.

"It's inspiring to witness colleagues from diverse organizations collaborating and exchanging ideas to tackle the challenges of the future. It provides insight into how innovation can drive positive change and progress."

Five organizations, 230 attendees. At the GigaWhat?! Innovation Symposium, Alliander, Enexis Groep, Gasunie, Stedin, and TenneT colleagues tackled urgent issues surrounding the energy transition, sparking incredible energy!

Ready to transform your ideas into stunning visuals?

Let's connect and bring your vision to life!
+31 (6) 52 3570 80

Ready to transform your ideas into stunning visuals? Let's connect and bring your vision to life!

+31 (6) 52 35 7080